/BCO-DMO/Variation_Metabolic_Processes/Apisonii_fecundity --site eq Anastasia_State_Park_FL-- Level 1

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#   Mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii: fecundity
#   Fecundity of Aratus pisonii populations in mangrove and salt ma0sh habitats
#   B. Griffen (USCar)
#   version: 2016-02-25
habitat      site                     lat       lon        
Mixed_Marsh  Anastasia_State_Park_FL  29.86961  -81.27338  
crab  carap_width  egg_stage  eggs_subsample  eggs_wgt_subsample  eggs_wgt_total  eggs_total_estimate  
22    12.1         Eyed       146             1.158               0.043           5885                 
23    14.1         Eyed       431             3.171               0.047           6502                 
24    13.8         Eyed       175             1.468               0.064           8779                 
25    12.5         Eyed       56              0.400               0.041           5569                 
26    10.4         Eyed       167             1.280               0.031           4225                 
27    13.7         Eyed       496             3.251               0.043           5912                 
28    14.2         Eyed       354             2.877               0.063           8697                 
29    14.4         Eyed       317             1.989               0.054           7339                 
30    14           Not_eyed   246             1.329               0.078           10645                
31    13           Not_eyed   32              0.222               0.065           8944                 
32    13.6         Eyed       88              0.686               0.042           5802                 
33    11.2         Eyed       113             0.897               0.027           3690                 
34    12.6         Eyed       64              0.558               0.047           6502                 
35    12.9         Eyed       64              0.435               0.039           5322                 
36    12.6         Eyed       23              0.184               0.041           5583